Although I never considered highly the architecture of the Taj Mahal (more a kind a gigantic cup cake than an architecture masterpiece) the first time I visited it I was stunned. The Taj Mahal is a gigantic act of love, built in 1653 by the Mughal emperor to remember his wife, died during the birth of their fourteenth child. The emperor had it designed by an Italian architect, and twenty eight types of precious stones were inlaid into the white marble. But more than the precious stones and the white marble, what really left me in awe was the way the light reverberates around the monument in the Indian sunset, with the most amazing colors I have ever seen...
Although I never considered highly the architecture of the Taj Mahal (more a kind a gigantic cup cake than an architecture masterpiece) the first time I visited it I was stunned. The Taj Mahal is a gigantic act of love, built in 1653 by the Mughal emperor to remember his wife, died during the birth of their fourteenth child. The emperor had it designed by an Italian architect, and twenty eight types of precious stones were inlaid into the white marble. But more than the precious stones and the white marble, what really left me in awe was the way the light reverberates around the monument in the Indian sunset, with the most amazing colors I have ever seen...
Anche se non ho mai considerato spettacolare l'architettura del Taj Mahal (una sorta di panettone piu' che un capolavoro di architettura) rimasi senza fiato quando lo visitai la prima volta. Il Taj Mahal è un gigantesco atto d'amore, costruito nel 1653 dall'imperatore Mughal per ricordare sua moglie, morta durante la nascita del loro quattordicesimo figlio. L'imperatore lo fece disegnare ad un architetto italiano, e ben 28 tipi di pietre preziose sono incastonate nel marmo bianco. Ma più che le pietre preziose e il marmo bianco, ciò che mi lascio senza parole fu il modo in cui la luce riverbera sul monumento nel tramonto indiano, con i colori più incredibili che abbia mai visto ...
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